
Month 2 & HBD, Daddy!

For Daddy’s b-day, E got jabbed a few times. 2 month vaccines are intense — five??? :( Mommy couldn’t bear to look. Stats: 11lbs 5oz // 23.5 long // 15.75 head circumference.

The weeks are flying by and baby is growing too fast for us! Parenthood has been humbling but in a good way as we experience and understand more how the Lord, our Father, sees us and loves us as His children.

From our month 2 “shoot”:

And some from the last month or so:

Our absolute fave photo so far:

Oh, and we set up a gallery to watch Elias grow! Hoping to continually update it so grandparents, relatives and friends can see him change over time. (A little game for you: there is one photo thumbnail in the collage that seems out of place. Can you find it? Inside joke — ask us if curious. ;-P)

We’re stealing away for our first date night this weekend since E’s appearance… :)

Happy XXth, Daddy! (Hehe, we’ll leave you guessing.)

PS: This URL reiterates our uber web nerdiness. :D