
Proverbs 16:9

Guess who’s ONE???



“Man proposes, God disposes” resounded through our minds as we celebrated E’s first birthday. We had planned a party around a camping theme at an outdoor shop with time by the lake. But what do you know, we were showered with ice, flurries, snow, sleet, rain, and wind on that particular day (it was in the 80’s less than 24 hours previous, mind you!). But celebrate we still did! It was almost like a reminder that, just as with his birth story, things played out very different than what we had envisioned or hoped for but at the end of the day, we had HIM and that was really all that mattered. ;-) Ever so grateful for the close friends that braved it out to play and be crazy with us… Made it all the more intimate and special!

So how has the year been for us? (Looking back brought a sniffle or two…) But definitely a roller coaster ride!!! Yes, there have been long nights and difficult days and trying instances. It’s been even harder without having much family around. But all the more that we have had to lean on Him and because of that, grown closer to the Source of our Strength for each and every day. We’ve also appreciated each other more… when we both attempt to play our God-given roles as mother and father and selflessly try to give the other time to just breathe … eat … run/throw a frisbee … sleep. And as we see this parent-child relationship deepen and how we continue to provide and care for, and deeply pursue our little boy despite his crazy poops and wild antics and food flying meals (etc, etc, etc!); his inability to appreciate or show gratitude or reciprocate love… This is just a miniscule inkling of our Father’s relationship with us. How blessed are we? Still always learning, though, as He continues to teach and mold and refine.

Happy 1st Birthday, dearest sweet Elias. Here are some of our fave photos from his 1-year shoot/cake smash session. There were so many good ones — thanks, Jynna! And thank you Auntie Angeline for the incredible birthday cake and giant smash cupcake (complete with near sugarless frosting since we didn’t want him on an intense rush/high – ha!). Hand-stitched vest top and shirtless bowtie/bottoms outfits were found on Etsy. :)

Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!
Elias is One!

View the entire album. And if you’re curious about the shindig itself, recap post forthcoming. :)