
Sick Days

Illness with a child is the absolute pits… ESPECIALLY when they can’t fully communicate with you what’s wrong or hurting or uncomfortable. and ESPECIALLY when it’s something that you just have to let it run its course and nothing can really cure it. We’ve been grateful that E has been pretty healthy but sometimes, bam, a strain or virus comes along that his immune system says I WANT TO FIGHT YOU.

Oh, the weight of parenthood. But we were talking the other day… This mothering/fathering thing is also a refinement and sanctification of sorts. Are children a gift (Psalm 127:3) in and of themselves or a blessing in that they teach us and shape us and mold us all the more through various circumstances?

Tick, tock. This, too, shall pass.

Many more happy, silly, crazy days await. Soon our munchkin will be prancing around again with his usual antics and crash-and-burn energy… Hey, even gangnam style! :) Soon. Sooooon.







PS: His infatuation with bikes has intensified. Every day is a “bai-kiiie” day.
PPS: Oh and Mommy aged another year this month. :\ Uncle Dan was gracious enough to watch E while Mommy & Daddy grabbed a meal without food flying everywhere. :) Daddy bought Mommy a new car… and decided he might need one, too. Uh-oh! And the little one is soaking up car shopping. Double uh-oh!