
Happy Pi Day!

3.14.15 :)

It’s been a quirky sort of day worth mentioning… We celebrated Uncle Dan’s company’s 1 year anniversary at the same venue as Elias’ first birthday. A few sprinkles (remember, E = precip!) but def not the icemegaddon like last year. ;-P But it was interesting to go a whole year later and see how much E has grown and changed — walking/running, scootering, jumping on/driving the boats, talking, inquisitive about EVERYTHING, shooting w/ Daddy, eating “big people” food and really enjoying himself. Around the same time last year, we were also lamenting having to say goodbye to another family member as Uncle Dan had just accepted a position to teach overseas and was getting ready to leave… that is, until he decided to start his own company that did so well this past year which was why we got to celebrate at Outdoor World again! Whew, run-on there. ;-P

Only pic we took, sadly, since E was having such a grand ole’ time!

Oh wait, we found two more later…

E made a new friend — AJ (offspring of old friends of Daddy and Mommy). :) Popcorn-in-a-cup buddies, FTW!


Showing off his scootering skills to Andrew & Andrew. ;)

And speaking of family, Grandpa and Grandma Kao and Gloria are coming back from TW today… one-way ticket so staying indefinitely! Residing at the same house that Mommy grew up in (and Daddy proposed), previously rented out. Talk about coming full circle. :))

This little thing called life is funny… To infinity and beyond?

PS: At Uncle’s party, Angeline baked again — one of which were chicken pot PIES! :)
PPS: Guess ski trip re-cap + pix will have to wait til next time…