
SD in SD

Social Distancing in SD be like…


We have been trying to maintain a posture of gratitude despite these uncertain times. So appreciative that we are able to do meaningful work remotely that we enjoy while many are severely affected by the pandemic. And though quarantining means less activities and group get-togethers, in SD, it’s more time exploring the great outdoors.

We’ve been discovering some off the beaten path places — there’s something about being in nature that removes us for awhile from everything else going on and reminds us how small we are, how fleeting this moment in time. This shall pass… We shall pass… But these trees, land, dirt, rocks will still be here. Have been here.






It was pretty steep and slippery. We heard that someone had to be airlifted out a few hours earlier so we were super careful.









A Lego Zoom par-tay. :). But is E dozing off? Haha, no.

True shadow boxing. :D









Hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and sane.

COVID-19 Vida Loca

No one would have guessed that the end of 2019 a virus would develop that would shake our entire world into this new decade. In efforts to halt the spread of the deadly coronavirus, life as we know has been significantly altered as we limit social interaction — closing down schools, offices, restaurants, gyms, playgrounds, sports activities/games and public, large gatherings of people.

But we rise to such a time like as this…

A time to be creative — in how we learn, worship, do community, work (with kid(s) in tow!), cook (w/ more limited ingredients), work out, be neighbors. It’s a time to explore new hobbies (at home), read, think, hug your loved ones just a bit longer and tighter, rest, be still and mindful, meditate, drive less (though, no traffic), doodle/draw/color, have meaningful conversation with family, ration how we wipe our butts (a la TP shortage), slow down, embrace home sweet home. A time to get outside and soak in the sunshine, inhale fresh air and thank Mother Earth for giving us open spaces to roam and explore. Time to pray for our leaders, our nations.

We, as one human race, will join hands to fight this enemy… and when it is over and we have conquered, we will look back and see how we have loved and believed and gave and persevered and healed and held fast to faith and grown.

Vida Loca? Or perhaps Pura Vida? The simple, pure life that the Costa Ricans are known for — grateful in all circumstances and looking at life with no worries, fuss or stress.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

And of course, this comes as NO surprise to Him who knows all things, holds all things. No surprise. He is sovereign.

See everyone on the other side…

Heavenly Seven

Someone is … how many years old???


This stage is SO fun and way too fleeting… So instead of a cake this year, he requested several pints of ice cream and a stay at the Legoland hotel (forthcoming). We lit 7 candles over 3 pints of exquisite i.c. and belted out “Happy Birthday” in both English and Mandarin. :)

An unexpected b-day surprise: his two front teeth have started growing in — rather quickly at that! They aren’t as straight as before, though, probably partially due to the trauma last year which means likely braces in the future? But we’ll just worry about that later…

You have grown and matured so much this year and yet still as energetic, creative and amusing as ever. Here’s to SEVEN and beyond as the Lord continues to mold and shape you, our little/not-so-little boy.


Went to a little anniversary party for a matcha cafe — hadn’t been to this location yet. Hope he’ll always want to pose in front of a wall of roses w/ mama. *insert heart emoji!*

A table of all things matcha and a dad just going along with it all, lol. (Bonus: shirt on guy in background matches the wallpaper).

Antioxidant high. :)

Re-opening of a local park – we picnic’d and played while Daddy was at ult.

Little did we know that it’d be who knows when until he’d get to enjoy a playground again…