Happy 2014!
We’re baaaaack. Whew, HOURS (LOOOOOOOOONG HOUUUUURRS) in the air, across crazy time zones and being constantly on the go… Missing family but somewhat glad to be back to routine and wide open spaces and the slow life.
This month, E is crawling faster, cruising (and taking steps while holding on to something), climbing stairs (for the first time at Yuee’s home in Singapore), tossing balls, perfecting his pincer grasp (grabbing especially anything long/thin for some reason), chowing down like crazy (tried durian, also in S’pore), gabbing away in baby talk, cutting more teeth, exhibiting a gazillion new expressions, is more curious, inquisitive and playful than ever, digging paper/tags/anything crinkly (like mommy?) and flirting with women of all ages. ;-) Yes, Mama is already worried. :|
Countdown to 1 begins… Where has the time gone?
Our beloved rascal:

PS: Still sorting through trip photos so will perhaps share in another post…
Merry Christmas from Asia! It feels a bit odd celebrating the holidays in warm, humid weather, gazillions of people on the streets, and EVERYTHING open, but the Reason for the season remains true…
Wow, we bothered with holiday cards this year (blame it on E):

Glory to God in the Highest!
PS: And a few more images from our fall mini session back in November with the fabulous Jenna Lynn… Thanks for capturing some sweet moments in all of 20 minutes. :)

It’s been another happening month for us and E… He went for his first swim lessons and seemed to enjoy them. Thanksgiving was a quiet one with just the 3 of us. Hmmm, a bit of separation anxiety has dawned. There will always be growing pains but continually grateful that He grants grace, patience and energy for each new day.
E also met Santa for the first time! He was okay… for 2-3 minutes? Then it was like, who is this old man with a beard and was suddenly NOT okay. ;-P
Leaving this month for our big trip — 2 (or 3?) countries, various cities and Tahoe (yes, the slopes!) on the way back. Looking forward to good times with family, relatives and friends… but we first have to conquer the long plane ride! Pray for us. :)
So here’s our little turkey at 9 months: