

It’s been another happening month for us and E… He went for his first swim lessons and seemed to enjoy them. Thanksgiving was a quiet one with just the 3 of us. Hmmm, a bit of separation anxiety has dawned. There will always be growing pains but continually grateful that He grants grace, patience and energy for each new day.

E also met Santa for the first time! He was okay… for 2-3 minutes? Then it was like, who is this old man with a beard and was suddenly NOT okay. ;-P

Leaving this month for our big trip — 2 (or 3?) countries, various cities and Tahoe (yes, the slopes!) on the way back. Looking forward to good times with family, relatives and friends… but we first have to conquer the long plane ride! Pray for us. :)

So here’s our little turkey at 9 months:

Eleven Eleven

So speaking of seven (from previous post)… we’re celebrating our 7th anniversary today!

Oh, memories of that day… :)
y + g


And now scarce are the just-two-of-us-moments. ;-P But guess we don’t mind our little “light bulb” (translate to Chinese). Most of the time. Heh.

Lots of here & there and this & that these past few weeks: outings, watching Daddy play frisbee and Mommy race, Elias’ first wedding and Halloween (+ costume)… So 8 months is apparently a big one developmentally — sitting up (and in a high chair, booster and the grocery cart!), rolling over and back, crawling and… <gasp!> standing! Time to lower the crib? But more than that, his personality is really shining through and he’s acting more like a boy than an infant these days. *sob*




So Y’s deep, profound epiphany for our anniversary this year: if marriage is learning about yourself and how to make oneself a better mate for the other, what has parenting taught us? :)) Lots. LOTS.

No romantic dinner tonight but our now standing operating procedure of eating (whilst standing) around the kitchen island, feeding bub in his bumbo. Good times! But we did kinda celebrate along with Uncle Dan’s b-day this past weekend.

To the years to come… <3

Seventh Heaven

The sprouting of not one but TWO teeth and a flu shot kicked off month 7 to a not-so-fun start but our boy is always a trooper! We booked Elias’ first flight (to Asia) in December so we’ll see how he does in the friendly skies… Starting to feel the travel itch so still thinking about a possible trial domestic trip before the long haul. Sometimes both of us miss our globe-trottin’ days of yore b.c. (before child!). Admittedly, there are moments we wish we had just to ourselves again… But then he grins widely at us and we are smitten once more. :)

Within a month, he’s tried just about every vegetable and fruit (but saving durian for S’pore — ha!) and eating like a champ. The (multiple times a day) poop is a different story… We’ll leave it at that.

Oh and E experienced his first 5K! Despite a pretty hilly course, Daddy pushed so smoothly he fell asleep the last mile. :) Mommy ran the 10K and won. Two thoughts that carried through to the finish: 1] This is nothing compared to labor! 2] Can’t wait to see my two boys. Prize winnings were spent first on offspring. ;-)

But who can resist this face?