It’s suddenly triple digits around these parts. :\ This month has been super-busy for us as we get more settled back into work and church and now, family, life.
We snapped some quick photos at E’s 12-week mark, right before he was due for a nap. What a sweet little boy he is! :) It’s a fun stage now where he’s so incredibly interactive and inquisitive — lots of baby babble and trying to join in on our convos. And definitely not complaining about the longer sleep stretches! No doctor check-up this month so no official stats but he’s definitely feeling meaty. ;P
Oh and is it just us or can this little kid poop BIG? We’ve had some interesting blowouts… The one that currently tops it all was on the hardwood floor (barely missing the leather couch) of a stranger’s house and all over mommy. Coming in at a close second is our bedroom sitting couch. The cover’s still at the dry cleaner. But hey, at least it was washable! We suppose it’s a good thing he’s digesting his food well?

But despite the dirty diapers, constant feeding, and late nights and early mornings, we love our son like no other. And only having becoming parents can we catch just a glimpse of how our God loves us — fallen and wayward and helpless though we are.
Loving our little Elias more and more as the days go by… His smiles and coos just melt our hearts! He’s seeing the world around him and meeting mommy and daddy’s friends. :)
We can remember a time without him but now can’t imagine our lives without him.
Signing off with this photo:

Guess what show E is watching? And if you notice the little patch of no hair, hehe, well, let’s just say Daddy decided to play barber shop… a few weeks ago. Mommy and son have yet to recover. ;-P
But the best part of this pic is… his dang cute FOOT! Ah, the little things.
For Daddy’s b-day, E got jabbed a few times. 2 month vaccines are intense — five??? :( Mommy couldn’t bear to look. Stats: 11lbs 5oz // 23.5 long // 15.75 head circumference.
The weeks are flying by and baby is growing too fast for us! Parenthood has been humbling but in a good way as we experience and understand more how the Lord, our Father, sees us and loves us as His children.
From our month 2 “shoot”:

And some from the last month or so:

Our absolute fave photo so far:

Oh, and we set up a gallery to watch Elias grow! Hoping to continually update it so grandparents, relatives and friends can see him change over time. (A little game for you: there is one photo thumbnail in the collage that seems out of place. Can you find it? Inside joke — ask us if curious. ;-P)
We’re stealing away for our first date night this weekend since E’s appearance… :)
Happy XXth, Daddy! (Hehe, we’ll leave you guessing.)

PS: This URL reiterates our uber web nerdiness. :D