Loving our little Elias more and more as the days go by… His smiles and coos just melt our hearts! He’s seeing the world around him and meeting mommy and daddy’s friends. :)
We can remember a time without him but now can’t imagine our lives without him.
Signing off with this photo:
Guess what show E is watching? And if you notice the little patch of no hair, hehe, well, let’s just say Daddy decided to play barber shop… a few weeks ago. Mommy and son have yet to recover. ;-P
But the best part of this pic is… his dang cute FOOT! Ah, the little things.
For Daddy’s b-day, E got jabbed a few times. 2 month vaccines are intense — five??? :( Mommy couldn’t bear to look. Stats: 11lbs 5oz // 23.5 long // 15.75 head circumference.
The weeks are flying by and baby is growing too fast for us! Parenthood has been humbling but in a good way as we experience and understand more how the Lord, our Father, sees us and loves us as His children.
From our month 2 “shoot”:
And some from the last month or so:
Our absolute fave photo so far:
Oh, and we set up a gallery to watch Elias grow! Hoping to continually update it so grandparents, relatives and friends can see him change over time. (A little game for you: there is one photo thumbnail in the collage that seems out of place. Can you find it? Inside joke — ask us if curious. ;-P)
We’re stealing away for our first date night this weekend since E’s appearance… :)
Happy XXth, Daddy! (Hehe, we’ll leave you guessing.)
PS: This URL reiterates our uber web nerdiness. :D
Said byebye to Grandma Kao first, then Grandma/Grandpa Ong. It’s we three now…
Seems like every time we turned on the TV this week, it’s been breaking bad news — the Boston bombings; the West, TX explosion; poison letters to the White House; massive floodings; earthquake in Asia.
At the end of the day, what can we do but pray, hold our son tight and be reminded that this world is not our home? We long for His return but until then, carry on with the work He has called us to do here. When we look at Elias, we sometimes wish for that same oblivion and contentedness and even blissful unawareness.
Hastening His Coming… 1 Peter 3.