
As the world turns

Said byebye to Grandma Kao first, then Grandma/Grandpa Ong. It’s we three now…


Seems like every time we turned on the TV this week, it’s been breaking bad news — the Boston bombings; the West, TX explosion; poison letters to the White House; massive floodings; earthquake in Asia.

At the end of the day, what can we do but pray, hold our son tight and be reminded that this world is not our home? We long for His return but until then, carry on with the work He has called us to do here. When we look at Elias, we sometimes wish for that same oblivion and contentedness and even blissful unawareness.

Hastening His Coming… 1 Peter 3.


Of course these two web geeks had to announce their son digitally in the cyberworld (and make a creative project out of it):


1 month old!

Can’t believe 4 weeks have flown by already… What a ride it’s been! Taking it one day at a time.

Some random/you-probably-don’t-care stats: 8lbs 12oz // 21.75 long // 14.75 head circumference.

We had fun making his first milestone sticker (G looks forward to getting to playing with a different pattern/background every month) and trying to get baby to cooperate for some shots (Y had to get creative with this squirmy “model”). ;-)

Gotta love the expressions in that last set. “Mommy/Daddy, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME???”

And here’s a fun collage of Elias and some various acts of “finger one-ing”. :))