
Elias Yi-Chung Ong

03.02.13 // Saturday, 3:29AM // 7lbs 8oz // cute as a button :)


We are over the moon with this little man. More to come!

Behind Closed Doors

This sermon series about family has been so relevant, applicable, and timely (but also downright scary!) as we get ready to expand ours.

We’ve said it many a time and we’ll continue to say it time and time again… What a body and band of believers to journey life with!

PS: When you see a car seat strangely sitting in the back of your vehicle, it suddenly becomes more real. No turning back now…

Celebrate good times, c’mon

Happy Chinese New Year — Xin Nian Kuai Le! Double baby showers this past weekend, double the blessings for our ssssnake baby. :)

We are beyond grateful for the thoughtfulness, kindness and generosity of friends. We’re not big party folks but many, many thanks for the encouragement, advice, prayers and just sweet times of fellowship with us before we become official parents.

Ack, didn’t get to take too many photos but we had to snap a quick one of the cutest cake with bootie cupcakes atop and a baby cake of its own. ;) Gluten-free (for G) and absolutely delish (even Y agreed!).


So the countdown continues…