

Packages, boxes and parcels are arriving on our doorstep on a regular basis that you’d think it was Christmas all over again. BABY STUFF. It’s hard to comprehend how something so small requires so much … well, stuff! We kid you not — the UPS man delivers but has now ceased to knock or ring the doorbell. :D

As stork day inches closer, we’re kind of a mix of emotions but overall, thankful and hopeful for this gift of new life that we’ll be “in charge of”. Baby classes are wrapping up. They’ve been long but a wealth of valuable information. And we’ve been tacking on date nights before/after them which has been nice.

Can’t wait to meet you, Ongby (Ong + baby)!


Happy New Year!

And with it comes our new site/blog with a long-time-comin’ re-design … and … a soon-to-arrive Ong! Be forewarned — this may become overly saturated with baby photos very soon. :)

Anyway, the next few weeks will be prepping/cleaning, crash-coursing in infant care and enjoying our last days as just the two of us. Bracing ourselves for another huge life change…

PS: Feels odd not going snowboarding this year. It’ll be the first missed season since all our wedded and most of our dating years! BUT it’ll all be worth it, RIGHT? :))